Research Associate
Sunnybrook Research Institute, Canada
Andresa Marinho Buzelli is a physical therapist with specialization in Neurorehabilitation. She is currently working as a Research Associate at St. John’s Rehab Research Program - Sunnybrook Research Institute. Through the CIHR Fellowship and CIHR Dissemination Grant, Andresa is advancing and optimizing aquatic therapy for stakeholders in stroke care through qualitative research and participatory design approach. She is leading a multi-disciplinary design team to co-create a toolkit to inform aquatic therapy post-stroke. In Andresa’s first postdoctoral project at Toronto Rehab, she investigated the knowledge, perceptions and current practice of rehabilitation professionals using aquatic therapy for individuals with spinal cord injury. In her doctoral thesis at Rehabilitation Sciences Institute – University of Toronto, Andresa studied how the aquatic environment influences postural control of individuals with a spinal cord injury. Andresa’s long-term research vision is to continue developing optimal and feasible aquatic therapy approaches and education materials for the rehabilitation of balance, mobility and function of individuals with lived experience of disability.