ubicomp Lab, Marquette University
Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed is a professor and Founding Chair of Computer Science Department and director of Ubicomp lab at Marquette University, USA. He is also the president of Ubitrix (, a Milwaukee Start up, which is funded by number of organizations including Wisconsin CTC, NIH. He is a senior member of the IEEE, ACM, and the IEEE Computer Society. He completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Arizona State University, USA in 2003. His research interests include advance machine learning for digital health, mHealth, affective computing, non-intrusive technologies. He is active in system and application development of mHealth projects for Native American, Hispanic community and other underserved populations like Nepal, Bangladesh. Most of his digital health and mHealth projects are supported by NIH, Industry and Philanthropic organizations. He has published 200+ peer reviewed journal, conference and workshop papers. He has received twelve best paper/posters awards in last ten years. Dr. Ahamed serves regularly on international conference program committees in software engineering and pervasive computing such as COMPSAC, PERCOM and SAC . He has been serving as the Standing Committee Vice Chair of IEEE COMPSAC(, which is a signature conference of IEEE since 2015. He is the Guest Editor of Computer Communications Journal, Elsevier. He is the general chair of 2023 IEEE Digital Conference. Here is his linked in page: