Research Career Scientist
Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital
Hines, Illinois, United States
Dr. Weaver completed her master’s and doctoral training in Applied Social Psychology at Loyola University of Chicago in 1984 and 1987, respectively; and her bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the State University of New York, Plattsburgh in 1981. She joined Hines VA HSR&D in 1983 as a project manager for one of the first HSR&D funded IIR’s, the evaluation of the VA hospital-based home care program. Dr. Weaver served as the director of CINCCH for 10 years before stepping down in 2019 to pursue research as an HSR&D Senior Research Career Scientist Awardee. She is a professor in Public Health Sciences, Loyola University, Chicago. She serves as mentor to career development, post-doctoral fellows and graduate students. Dr. Weaver serves on the editorial board of Evaluation and the Health Professions and is an associate editor for the Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. Her major research interests include patient outcomes and prevention/management of secondary complications with a particular interest in neurologic diseases. Her other primary interest relates to improving delivery of patient-centered care and implementation of evidence into practice. Currently, Dr. Weaver is principal investigator on an RR&D grant to assess women veterans’ needs related to mobility devices. She is co-PI on the evaluation of the implementation of a TeleWound Practice program and site PI for a study that will look at the relationship between exposure to chlorinated solvents and development of Parkinson’s disease. She also is site PI at Loyola on a PCORI Clinical Data Research Network grant that involves all the major healthcare facilities in Chicago. As a faculty member at Loyola, she has developed a master’s program in Implementation Science that will begin in Fall 2021. Her research in bone health in SCI is leading to the development of clinical practice guidelines for management of bone health and for management of lower extremity fractures in SCI.
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
3:00 PM – 3:15 PM